I’m still alone a lot even with the few people I choose to keep in my life. If my math is right, 80 percent of the time is what it adds up to. That’s not counting work. I’m pretty sure I fell in love with someone who likes someone else so like the rest off my feeling I have to bury it. But I least I told her. I tried if it did work out to be open from the start but at last I got no response, so be it. To keep things the same I’ll bury my feeling. Just like my sadness just like my fears my dreams my hopes my loves just like who I am I guess. But in the end I cant really hide who I am, what I am the sadness finds its way to the surface. And they tell me about it. I’ve been happy in these past moths. I’ve had fun and enjoyed my self. But just moments that’s all. "For of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: 'It might have been!'"..... John Greenleaf Whittier. I fine that so true it seems I may have to let go again, but at least not all the way this time. I may not be able to hold her hand but I can always be in the shadows but at least on that I can say, I dreamt a dream It was endless and faraway, and I hide my tears but hey you're not alone there is more to this, I know you can make it out. I don’t know were I’m heading with this now so I’m just going to stop. I guess its life or something like it. But who knows maybe one day I can paint my world in a color like your.